The value of conflict helps people to resolve issues or bring awareness to issues. When  building bonds with people and coming to resolutions then this helps make better relationships and will set the collaborating process. We all deal with conflict and encounter conflict in our lives on a daily basis. People see conflict as a negative reaction when some of the greatest speakers of our time have caused conflict in order to bring awareness to change. 

Just the word "Conflict" is deemed bad in the eyes of society or in the eye of the receiver but not to the presenter who is causing it but that doesn't mean it is negative. This is a form of communication and goes hand in hand with conflict management styles. As Service Officer's this comes with a special set of skills and conflict resolution is one of the biggest ones we face as individuals. We could all learn how to be better people when we are faced with challenges in our lives. 

Bad relationships with individuals in our lives or associates can bring on more conflict and no resolutions. Communication is very important when it comes to understanding someone's agenda or to see their point of view. As Rick Griffith mentioned in this Ted Talk "There must be goals and their must be rules".  We need to have an Agenda! 


Throughout our lives we are placed in situations that make us our own mediators. How we have responded to conflict throughout our life is important. As a Service Officer, and throughout my past relationships; experiencing many forms of conflicting situations from military service, marriage, divorce, domestic violence, sexual assault, co-parenting, and becoming a role model. Has modeled me to become the person I am today, and so much more. 

While serving in the military we are tasked with conflicting situations and must remain non-biased. Dealing with some of the trauma in my life has allowed me to be able to work through problems. Through the years of continuous therapy and searching within myself; this has made it possible to remain calm under tough situations. This has given the recipient "me" the ability to remain "calm and collected" while becoming a confident problem solver. 

Written By: Ann Echols, Commander

We use mediation in all forms throughout our lives within the relationships around us. We pick the battles to face or know how to solve. If the task is to big to solve then we reach out to other support networks.

Since DAV is interested in community development and helping communities then we know mediation comes in handy with clients and future endeavors with individuals. DAV is really passionate about helping our homeless community. As "Dawn Kuhlman" discusses in the above mentioned Ted Talk. Learning about Trauma Informed Mediation is important to learn, mediation is not just dealing with legal issues but we mediate in everything we do throughout our life. Especially when people are having a trauma response or in a uncomfortable environment. When a person develops trauma; throughout their lives then sometimes you need someone to help you navigate through that trauma. DAV will help listen with compassion and a open heart. Your past is not OUR journey to tell, it is YOURS. Using tools like mindfulness in everything we do around us is important. This can help other people find that same calm around them within the chaos. DAV wants to be that link or avenue to help lead them to a happier and healthier lifestyles. 

Service Officer's can help others lead meaningful and purposeful lives though listening and advocating with community partners along with the Department of Veteran Affairs.